Results for 'Boris C. Bernhardt'

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  1.  47
    Imaging structural and functional brain networks in temporal lobe epilepsy.Boris C. Bernhardt, SeokJun Hong, Andrea Bernasconi & Neda Bernasconi - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  2. Solid Tumour Section.Rajmohan Murali, Richard A. Scolyer & Boris C. Bastian - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    Space as reference signal? Elaborate it in depth!Boris M. Velichkovsky & A. H. C. Van der Heijden - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):337-338.
  4.  65
    Philosophy of education in a new key: On radicalization and violent extremism.Mitja Sardoč, C. A. J. Coady, Vittorio Bufacchi, Fathali M. Moghaddam, Quassim Cassam, Derek Silva, Nenad Miščević, Gorazd Andrejč, Zdenko Kodelja, Boris Vezjak, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1162-1177.
    This collective paper on radicalization and violent extremism part of the ‘Philosophy of education in a new key’ initiative by Educational Philosophy and Theory brings together some of the leading contemporary scholars writing on the most pressing epistemological, ethical, political and educational issues facing post-9/11 scholarship on radicalization and violent extremism. Its overall aim is to move beyond the ‘conventional wisdom’ associated with this area of scholarly research best represented by its many slogans, metaphors and other thought-terminating clichés. By providing (...)
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    Le pragmatisme juridique.Boris Barraud - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Le pragmatisme, davantage qu'un véritable courant philosophique, est une attitude intellectuelle, un état d'esprit, une approche critique du contenu et des modes de production des connaissances. Il invite à se concentrer sur les actions plutôt que sur les idées, sur les pratiques plutôt que sur les pensées, sur l'expérience, sur l'utilité, sur les conséquences. Or il semble prospérer désormais jusque dans le monde des sciences du droit. Le pragmatisme juridique, attaché à l'effectivité des normes, (...)
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    C-Quasi-Minimal enumeration degrees below c'.Boris Solon - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (4):505-517.
    This paper is dedicated to the study of properties of the operations ∪ and ∩ in the upper semilattice of the e-degrees as well as in the interval (c,c') e for any e-degree c.
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  7. L'autrement-gradué: épistémé linguistique: essai.Boris Lobatchev - 2023 - Paris: Les impliqués éditeur.
    Tout dépend de ce que l'on prend pour l'idéal. Où le situe-t-on sur l'échelle allant du silence à la parole et, inversement, de la parole au silence? Qu'est-ce qu'un idéal? Dire ou ne pas dire? Et si c'est dire, dire le moins ou le plus possible? Dire le plus brièvement ou le plus longuement possible? Dire le plus ouvertement ou ne jamais parler à découvert? Et si l'on se fiait, dans ces choix difficiles à faire, à la langue, devrait-on partir (...)
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  8.  52
    Washboards in unpaved highways as a complex dynamic system.David C. Mays & Boris A. Faybishenko - 2000 - Complexity 5 (6):51-60.
  9.  23
    L'office du juge et la liturgie du juste.Boris Bernabé - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 147 (4):48-67.
    En règle générale, l’office du juge est réduit aux possibilités techniques offertes au juge par les codes pour exercer sa fonction. Or, l’office du juge est bien plus que cela. Il est l’expression d’un pouvoir autonome d’une force considérable, distinct du pouvoir qui offre au juge sa légitimité. Qu’est-ce qui fonde alors ce pouvoir propre? Il apparaît que ce « mystère », ainsi que l’évoquait Pierre Ayrault au XVI e siècle, se niche au cœur de la dimension liturgique de la (...)
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  10.  18
    Exploring bipolarity of affect ratings by using polychoric correlations.Stefan C. Schmukle & Boris Egloff - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (2):272-295.
  11.  11
    La prospective juridique.Boris Barraud - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : "Si le futur a de tout temps inquiété les hommes, le futur du droit, traditionnellement, préoccupe peu les juristes. Ceux-ci se concentrent sur son passé (l'histoire du droit) et son actualité (le "droit positif"). Aujourd'hui, cependant, interroger l'avenir du droit devient de plus en plus nécessaire à mesure que celui-ci ne parvient plus à s'adapter à son environnement - formellement autant que matériellement -, à mesure que le fossé se creuse par rapport aux nouvelles (...)
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  12.  26
    Les États pontificaux face à Philippe II, marge ou centre alternatif de la Monarchie catholique? Retour sur les fondements juridiques, politiques et pragmatiques d’un empire conjoncturel.Boris Jeanne - 2012 - Astérion 10 (10).
    La Monarchie catholique est l’union dynastique éphémère (1580-1640) entre les royaumes d’Espagne et de Portugal. En revenant sur les fondements juridiques, politiques et pragmatiques de cet empire qui ne peut pas s’appeler Empire (car cette dénomination appartient au Saint Empire romain germanique des cousins de Vienne), l’article cherche à mieux saisir le fonctionnement interne de cet ensemble politique hétéroclite, en adoptant deux points de vue décentrés : celui de l’Amérique (comment la notion de Monarchie catholique s’incarne dans les reynos, loin (...)
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    Qualification in Philosophy.Boris Hennig - 2023 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):183-205.
    Qualifiers such as “insofar as” and “in itself” have always been important ingredients in key philosophical claims. Descartes, for instance, famously argues that insofar as he is a thinker, he is not made of matter, and Kant equally famously argues that we cannot know things in themselves. Neither of these claims is meant to be true without qualification. Descartes is not simply denying that humans consist of matter, and Kant is not simply denying that we know things. Therefore, we cannot (...)
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  14.  82
    Wahrheit, Begründbarkeit und Fallibilität. Ein Beitrag zur Diskus-sion epistemischer Wahrheitskonzeptionen.Boris Rähme - 2010 - Ontos Verlag.
    The following two theses constitute the theoretical core of all epistemic conceptions of truth: (1) The concept of truth can be explicated in epistemic terms (e.g. in terms of justified assertability under ideal epistemic conditions, ideal coherence, ideal consensus etc.). (2) The assumption that there could be truths which cannot, in principle, be known to be true is false or even absurd. The book scrutinizes theses (1) and (2). It contains discussions of the truth-theoretical approaches of Peirce, Putnam, Dummett, C. (...)
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    Instruments of statecraft: Humphrey Cole, Elizabethan economic policy and the rise of practical mathematics.Boris Jardine - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (4):304-329.
    ABSTRACTThis paper offers a re-interpretation of the development of practical mathematics in Elizabethan England, placing artisanal know-how and the materials of the discipline at the heart of analysis, and bringing attention to Tudor economic policy by way of historical context. A major new source for the early instrument trade is presented: a manuscript volume of Chancery Court documents c.1565–c.1603, containing details of a patent granting a monopoly on making and selling mathematical instruments, circa 1575, to an unnamed individual, identified here (...)
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    Histoire des Sciences et Épistémologie.Jean Bernhardt, Françoise Charles-Daubert, Charles C. Gillispie, Pierre Costabel, Pierre Livet, François Laruelle & Michel Bourdeau - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (2):308-323.
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    Catalepton 9 and hellenistic poetry.Boris Kayachev - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):180-204.
    The dating of Catalepton 9 has been the central issue of scholarship on that poem. The more particular questions of the poem's authorship, the identity of the addressee, and its chronological relation to other texts, both depend on and contribute to ascertaining the date of composition. The clearest exposition of the problem remains that by Richmond. Evidence provided by Catalepton 9 falls into two categories: literary and historical. Literary evidence encompasses two kinds of data: various formal features of the text (...)
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  18.  80
    A theory of visual stability across saccadic eye movements.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):247-258.
    We identify two aspects of the problem of maintaining perceptual stability despite an observer's eye movements. The first, visual direction constancy, is the (egocentric) stability of apparent positions of objects in the visual world relative to the perceiver. The second, visual position constancy, is the (exocentric) stability of positions of objects relative to each other. We analyze the constancy of visual direction despite saccadic eye movements.Three information sources have been proposed to enable the visual system to achieve stability: the structure (...)
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    C harles W olfe, La philosophie de la biologie avant la biologie. Une histoire du vitalisme, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019, 514 pp., €56 /€93. [REVIEW]Boris Demarest - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):38.
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    The Neurobiology and Psychology of Pedophilia: Recent Advances and Challenges.Gilian Tenbergen, Matthias Wittfoth, Helge Frieling, Jorge Ponseti, Martin Walter, Henrik Walter, Klaus M. Beier, Boris Schiffer & Tillmann H. C. Kruger - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21.  58
    Abbri, F.–Segala, M., Segni e percorsi della modernità. Saggi in onore di Paolo Rossi, Arezzo, Università degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento di studi storico-sociali e filosofici, 2000. Addante, P., La centralità della persona in Antonio Rosmini. Filoso-fia, etica, politica, diritto, Milazzo (Me), Edizioni Spes, 2000. [REVIEW]L. Bonesio, P. C. Bori, C. Carrara, F. Milano, E. Castellani, E. A. Colombo, P. Colonnello, Fm–Loche Crasta, A. Lussu & M. –Marcialis Mt - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia 91 (3).
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  22.  35
    How our world remains stable despite disturbing influences.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):282-292.
  23. Safet Krupić: prema čovjeku: studije i članci.Safet Krupić & Boris Kandić (eds.) - 1981 - Banjaluka: "Glas".
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  24.  8
    Votre cerveau n'a pas fini de vous étonner: entretiens avec Patrice Van Eersel.Patrice van Eersel, Boris Cyrulnik, Pierre Bustany, Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Christophe André & Thierry Janssen (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    On savait que c’était l’entité la plus complexe de l’univers connu. Mais le feu d’artifice de découvertes récentes dépasse l’entendement et fait exploser tous les schémas. Votre cerveau est (beaucoup) plus fabuleux que vous le croyez. Il est : totalement élastique, même âgé, handicapé, voire amputé de plusieurs lobes, le système nerveux central peut se reconstituer et repartir à l’assaut des connaissances et de l’action sur le monde ; totalement social, un cerveau n’existe jamais seul, mais toujours en résonance avec (...)
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    Mastery of nature: promises and prospects.Svetozar Minkov, Bernhardt L. Trout & Harvey C. Mansfield (eds.) - 2018 - Philadelphia: PENN/University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Ranging from ancient Greek thought to contemporary quantum mechanics, Mastery of Nature investigates to what extent nature can be conquered to further human ends and to what extent such mastery is compatible with human flourishing.
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  26.  22
    Relationship of saccadic suppression to space constancy.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):553-554.
  27. Homo ex machina.François Laruelle, Mariane Borie, Marc Develey, Jean-Baptiste Dussert, Christelle Fourlon, Jean-Michel Lacrosse, Sophie Lesueur & Sylvain Tousseul - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by François Laruelle.
    Les relations de la machine et de la pensée sont aussi anciennes qu'énigmatiques, toujours en attente d'une solution. C'est un mythe dont s'abreuve la philosophie. Il est ici repris en fonction de notre conjoncture, la science-fiction avec Matrix, la logique et l'ordinateur avec Turing, enfin l'élaboration théorique avec le cognitivisme et la non-philosophie. Ces essais ont été élaborés dans un même esprit au sein d'une équipe dont les jeunes philosophes partagent le désir commun de renouveler le style philosophique par une (...)
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    Power-collapsing games.Miloš S. Kurilić & Boris Šobot - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1433-1457.
    The game Gls(κ) is played on a complete Boolean algebra B, by two players. White and Black, in κ-many moves (where κ is an infinite cardinal). At the beginning White chooses a non-zero element p ∈ B. In the α-th move White chooses pα ∈ (0.p)p and Black responds choosing iα ∈ {0.1}. White wins the play iff $\bigwedge _{\beta \in \kappa}\bigvee _{\alpha \geq \beta }p_{\alpha}^{i\alpha}=0$ , where $p_{\alpha}^{0}=p_{\alpha}$ and $p_{\alpha}^{1}=p\ p_{\alpha}$ . The corresponding game theoretic properties of c.B.a.'s are (...)
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  29. Axiomatic Natural Philosophy and the Emergence of Biology as a Science.Hein van den Berg & Boris Demarest - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (3):379-422.
    Ernst Mayr argued that the emergence of biology as a special science in the early nineteenth century was possible due to the demise of the mathematical model of science and its insistence on demonstrative knowledge. More recently, John Zammito has claimed that the rise of biology as a special science was due to a distinctive experimental, anti-metaphysical, anti-mathematical, and anti-rationalist strand of thought coming from outside of Germany. In this paper we argue that this narrative neglects the important role played (...)
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  30.  46
    Decoding Pedophilia: Increased Anterior Insula Response to Infant Animal Pictures.Jorge Ponseti, Daniel Bruhn, Julia Nolting, Hannah Gerwinn, Alexander Pohl, Aglaja Stirn, Oliver Granert, Helmut Laufs, Günther Deuschl, Stephan Wolff, Olav Jansen, Hartwig Siebner, Peer Briken, Sebastian Mohnke, Till Amelung, Jonas Kneer, Boris Schiffer, Henrik Walter & Tillmann H. C. Kruger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  31. Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Katarzyna Pisanski, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Grace Akello, Charlotte Alm, Afifa Anjum, Kelly Asao, Boris Bizumic, Mahmoud Boussena, David M. Buss, Marina Butovskaya, Seda Can, Katarzyna Cantarero, Hakan Cetinkaya, Marco A. C. Varella, Rosa M. Cueto, Marcin Czub, Seda Dural, Ignacio Estevan, Carla S. Esteves, Jorge Contreras-Graduño, Ivana Hromatko, Chin-Ming Hui, Feng Jiang, Konstantinos Kafetsios, András Láng, Torun Lindholm, Giulia Lopez, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Rocío Martínez, Norbert Meskó, Conal Monaghan, Bojan Musil, Jean C. Natividade, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Mohd S. Omar Fauzee, Baris Özener, Ariela F. Pagani, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Mariia Perun, Nejc Plohl, Camelia Popa, Pavol Prokop, Muhammad Rizwan, Mario Sainz, Christin-Melanie Vauclair & Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505966.
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    Fraïssé Limits of C*-Algebras.Christopher J. Eagle, Ilijas Farah, Bradd Hart, Boris Kadets, Vladyslav Kalashnyk & Martino Lupini - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):755-773.
    We realize the Jiang-Su algebra, all UHF algebras, and the hyperfinite II1factor as Fraïssé limits of suitable classes of structures. Moreover by means of Fraïssé theory we provide new examples of AF algebras with strong homogeneity properties. As a consequence of our analysis we deduce Ramsey-theoretic results about the class of full-matrix algebras.
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    Max sat approximation beyond the limits of polynomial-time approximation.Evgeny Dantsin, Michael Gavrilovich, Edward A. Hirsch & Boris Konev - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):81-94.
    We describe approximation algorithms for MAX SAT with performance ratios arbitrarily close to 1, in particular, when performance ratios exceed the limits of polynomial-time approximation. Namely, given a polynomial-time α-approximation algorithm , we construct an -approximation algorithm . The algorithm runs in time of the order ck, where k is the number of clauses in the input formula and c is a constant depending on α. Thus we estimate the cost of improving a performance ratio. Similar constructions for MAX 2SAT (...)
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  34.  72
    Richard B. Spence, Boris savinkov. Renegade on the left.Robert C. Williams - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):163-164.
  35.  18
    BORIS—An experiment in in-depth understanding of narratives.Wendy G. Lehnert, Michael G. Dyer, Peter N. Johnson, C. J. Yang & Steve Harley - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 20 (1):15-62.
  36. NICOLAEVSKY, BORIS. Karl Marx: Man and Fighter. [REVIEW]William C. Macleod - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 3:89.
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    Roots: Contributions of boris, ephrussi to the development of somatic cell genetics.Mary C. Weiss - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):349-353.
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    Wolność w jedności?: Borys Wyszesławcew i rosyjska filozofia sobornosti = Freedom in unity?: Boris Vysheslavtsev and Russian philosophy of "sobornost'" = [Svoboda v edinstve?: Boris Vysheslavt︠s︡ev i russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ sobornosti].Leszek Augustyn - 2012 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Forum on Boris Groys, "In the Flow".F. Campana, B. Groys, T. Smith, E. Tavani, E. Archias, C. Bishop, M. Farina & Y. Förster - 2017 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 11:1-45.
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    Imperial entomology: Boris P. Uvarov and locusts, c. 1920– c. 1950.Michael Worboys - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (1):27-51.
    In this article, I explore how the twin forces of imperial and entomological power allowed Britain to shape locust research and control across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia from the 1920s to the early 1950s. Imperial power came from the size of the formal and informal empire, and alliances with other colonial powers to tackle a common threat to agriculture and trade. Entomological authority came primarily from the work of Boris Uvarov and his small team of museum (...)
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  41.  8
    DEVELOPMENTS IN EARLY GREECE - (J.C.) Bernhardt, (M.) Canevaro (edd.) From Homer to Solon. Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece. ( Mnemosyne Supplements 454.) Pp. x + 492, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022. Cased, €144, US$174. ISBN: 978-90-04-51362-4. - (R.A.) Billows The Spear, the Scroll, and the Pebble. How the Greek City-State Developed as a Male Warrior-Citizen Collective. Pp. xvi + 267, map, colour pls. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Paper, £24.99, US$34.95 (Cased, £75, US$100). ISBN: 978-1-350-28919-2 (978-1-350-28920-8 hbk). [REVIEW]Jessica M. Romney - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):148-153.
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  42.  36
    Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries (Library of NT Studies 333). Edited by David C. Sim and Boris Repschinski.Nicholas King - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):160-161.
  43.  69
    Some Greek Grammars Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40. Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888. Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf. Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig. C. F. Winter. 1 Mk. 60. [REVIEW]W. Gunion Rutherford - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (07):218-.
    Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40.Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888.Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf.Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig. (...)
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    The dilemmas of seditious men: the CrowtherHessen correspondence in the 1930s Highly commended essay, BSHS Singer Prize . The research and preparation of this paper were financially supported by a postgraduate research award from the Arts and Humanities Research Board for which I remain extremely grateful. Thanks are also due to Professor Robert Fox and Dr David Priestland, my supervisors, for their inexhaustible perseverance and patience with this errant student. Linacre College, especially Jane Edwards, has been instrumental in helping my research proceed as painlessly as possible. Staff at the Special Collections, University of Sussex, and the Manuscript Collections, University of Edinburgh Library, were extremely facilitating and hospitable. Further intellectual and personal debts are due to John Christie, Geoffrey Cantor, Graeme Gooday, Paul Josephson and Gennady Gorelik. My close friends Andrew Player, Becky Shtasel, Keith Pennington and Kate Douglas helped with support, dialecti. [REVIEW]C. A. J. Chilvers - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (4):417-435.
    The Marxist history of science has played an enormous role in the development of the history of science. Whether through the appreciation of its insights or the construction of a political fortress to prevent infusion, its presence is felt. From 1931 the work of Marxists played an integral part in the international development of the history of science, though rarely have the connections between them or their own biographies been explored. These networks convey a distinct history, alongside political, methodological and (...)
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    (1 other version)English emergencies and Russian rescues, C. 1875 – 2000.Noa Halevy - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (3):404-439.
    This second installment in a chronologically arranged, three-part sequence continues the author's examination of Anglo-American literati who, in the later nineteenth and twentieth centuries, turned — in acts of combined xenophilia and xenophobia — to Russian literature and literary theory in order to escape the dominant influence of avant-garde movements in France. These Anglophone writers found in Russian exemplars a responsible, morally rigorous, and pragmatic, yet philosophically sophisticated, alternative to what they described as the amoral, superficial, and pretentious aestheticism of (...)
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    Frege on Identity.Stephen Bernhardt - 1980 - Journal of Critical Analysis 8 (3):57-65.
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    When the Vendor Becomes the Library: Systems, Values, and the Commodification of Social Justice in Academic Collections.Laura M. Bernhardt & Becca Neel - 2023 - Journal of Information Ethics 31 (2):26-37.
    As library collections and services have increasingly moved from print to digital, much of the work that used to be done by libraries themselves with regard to creating, maintaining, and managing the systems that hold collections and facilitate user access to them is now done primarily by vendors. This change to the information services landscape for academic libraries is the occasion not only of technical and procedural challenges, but also some internal conflicts concerning the ethical demands of the library profession. (...)
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  48. Hobbes polemics against descartes'dioptrique'in the'tractatus opticus II'(1644).Jean Bernhardt - 1979 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 33 (129):432-442.
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  49. [no title].Johannes Christian Bernhardt - unknown
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    Beethovens tider.Emil Bernhardt - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (3-4):527-538.
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